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Meet the Associates

Downturn Image In uncertain times, it’s imperative that you’re absolutely certain whether or not your salespeople will sell and your sales managers will manage.

It’s no longer enough to think – or worse yet feel – that the candidates you’re looking at will be successful in your selling environment. You must know it!

OMG's Dave Kurlan, author of "Baseline Selling", has spent nearly twenty years in continued development of his Express Screens. Dave needs to be certain so you can be certain.

And Dave’s predictions are astounding: 92% of those recommended for hire are ranked in the top half of clients’ sales forces one year later. In contrast, 75% of those not recommend for hire are gone from the sales force one year later.

Clocks Image Your time is worth too much to spend it interviewing and re-interviewing marginal candidates.

An Express Screen license* allows you to evaluate as many candidates as you’d like with a hard Hirable or Not Hirable recommendation on page one of the detailed report. Spend your time with only those recommended for hire based on validated research and your own sales and market specific criteria.

*Licenses are based on the number of hires made, not the number of candidates screened.

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