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The OMG Sales Impact Analysis

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X-eyes How do your clients and prospects see your salespeople? How do your salespeople see your sales managers? How do they all view your company?

If that view isn’t crystal clear to you, you may be risking everything you’ve worked for.

Enter the OMG Sales Impact Analysis.

The OMG Sales Impact Analysis adds the clarity you need to make game-changing decisions about your sales force, your systems and processes, the quality of your business pipeline and more – all with an ROI calculation so you can know how much you can afford to invest to fix what’s broken.

It’s not rocket science but it takes a lot more than reams of spreadsheets and personal observations to get to the bottom of how to stay ahead in a tougher than ever selling environment.

You wouldn’t allow your doctor to write a prescription without first making a concise diagnosis of the problem. The OMG Sales Impact Analysis provides that diagnosis and the recommended solutions to your sales and management ailments.  

Big shot

Attention Professional Services Firms:

OMG has a version of the Impact Analysis designed especially for your unique selling situations.

If revenues are stagnant or declining, if lost clients are not being replaced fast enough by new clients, if partner share value is of concern, then the OMG Professional Services Firm Profile can provide the guidance you need to get back into balance and growth.

With this program, you will accurately identify under-developed talents of your existing professional team. Plus, you will now be able to recruit those who already possess the strengths and skills vital for new business development: The Rainmakers.

Take the right first step. Contact Mark Peterson and Associates to learn more -- today.

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WARNING! You may not like what you discover. You may learn that your top performers are coasting and your bottom performers are simply poorly managed. You may also find that your revenue challenges are not due to the economy or other market conditions but to mediocrity on the part of your team.